Hungarian President János Áder's speech on the Day of National Unity
Hungarian President János Áder's speech on the Day of National Unity
Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary
Certain unidentified persons are taking advantage of the situation generated by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19) global pandemic with the intention to commit fraud.
The Consul General met with the Deputy Mayor of Liverpool
Consul General Krisztina Kátai-Nagy and Zoltán Horváth commercial attaché have met Gary Millar Deputy Mayor of Liverpool responsible for international relations and trade and Garth Dallas Chairman of The Liverpool Commonwealth Association.
Photo exhibition of Hungarian costumes from Transylvania
The Consulate General opened the exhibition of photo artist Botond Dávid documenting traditional costumes Hungarian costumes from Transylvania. The exhibition is an expression of fashion and tradition at the same time, while it is also a manifestation of national unity across borders.